Royalight Optometrist

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The Promenade @ Pelikat
183 Jalan Pelikat #01-76
Singapore 537643

Frequently asked questions (General)

A full eye examination usually takes about 20 mins to 45 mins depending on the complexity of your eye condition. You are advised to have at least 1 hour available for us to fully examine and explain the condition of your eyes to you.

Children typically do not verbally complain of having any visual issues and this may result in undetected vision problems. Your child may having vision issues if they exhibit these signs and symptoms:

  • Squinting of eyes to look at objects
  • Excessive rubbing of eyes
  • Abnormal head turn/tilt to look at a distance object
  • Having an eye turn outwards/inwards
  • Redness in your child’s eye
  • Unable to read objects at near
If you ever observe your child having the above signs and symptoms, we highly recommend you to have your child’s eyes examined to ensure that there are no visual development issues.

Health Promotion Board does health and vision screening in schools as part of the National Myopia Prevention Program to reduce the rate of myopia in Singapore.

The vision screening tests for the Visual Acuity which is how small your child can see but does not check on the visual functions or eye health of your child. It is therefore dangerous to assume that passing the vision screening means everything is healthy.

To look at what a full eye examination comprises of for children, do check it here or contact us to find out more.

It is NOT RECOMMENDED to wear your contact lenses to the eye examination as it may cause slight changes to your eye and affect the examination results.

We may get you to rest your eyes for awhile before commencing the eye examination if you wear your lenses here. Feel free to contact us to know how long you should rest your eyes before attending the eye examination.

A comprehensive eye examination includes tests for your eye functions, front eye health and back eye health compared to the regular prescription checks. There are many factors that may affect your overall vision and eye health, therefore we strong advise everyone to have a full eye examination done routinely.

We recommend all healthy adults to have their eye examination done at least once a year to ensure there are no major eye health problems. For toddlers, young children and adolescents, it is recommended to have an eye examination at least once every 6 months to ensure healthy eye development.

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